We were once again collected from Exmouth and headed off to the Bundegi Jetty to get to the dive boat. We headed north for about an hour stopping intermittantly to take in the delights of breaching humpback whales in our path.

When we arrived at Murion Islands, our first stop was on the north of the first island.

After descending down the mooring line and heading over to the coral bombies the frist thing we we shown were the most amazing fern corals extending out from the soft coral outcrops.

The coral bombies were crouded with life including Queen Angelfish…

We explored the range of canyons and coral shelves to get the most of the spectacular scenery.

This also our first close encounter with a sea snake. There were a fair few around. Every few minutes they would head up to the surface for a breath and then dive down to the sandy floor to then head out under the overhangs in search of the next meal.

After surfacing, we then headed of around to the other side of then island for the second dive…