After the first dive, we headed around to the other side of the islands for lunch and a chance to snorkel over the shallow reef.
While swimming around the bombies amongst the spectcular range of fish life, we saw the destructive “Crown of Thorns”.
Whilst there are quite a few to be found around the Murion Islands, they are part of the ecosystem and not currently considered to be a problem.
This dive site was littered with Nudibranch of a range of colours and feathers.
We again encountered a sea snake, this time much closer and quite enquisitive!
The abundance and variety of soft corals was amazing.
To end the dive we had a pair of catfish hiding under a rock ledge.
On the way home we were treated to more humpback whales including the mother and calf who cruised along just beside our boat!
Having saved the best until last, tomorrow, we are off to the World Famous Exmouth Navy Pier…