Driving rain over the pool

Scuba Dive in Perth Australia – Introduction

This is intended to be a general interest blog for those who go scuba dive in  Perth Australia and the surrounding area.  My plan is to post up photos, dive profiles, maps, equipment reviews and other items that may be of interest to divers wherever they may be, and hopefully you will one day come and discover the delights that the underwater world has to offer here in Western Australia.

What I love about scuba diving is it gives you a great excuse to go to some of the most amazing and beautiful places around the world.

As it happens, this week I will have been diving for 16 years having done my original PADI Open Water course off Palm Beach in Sydney back in 1999.  A couple of years later I did the PADI Advanced Open Water at Sharm El Sheikh, Eqypt, followed by Rescue Diver and PADI Dive Master in Jamaica in the Caribbean.  As you can probably tell, I am a warm water diver! Having lived most of my life in the UK, I still haven’t ever dived there, although I have been diving in the Mediterranean and that was pretty cold when we got below the thermocline at 10m!

Now, however I have started again to scuba dive in Perth Australia.

Sunday May 17th 2017

Today was supposed to be the first dive to record in my blog, however the weather conspired against us and a lovely storm rolled in from the Indian Ocean.

Weather Radar on the day
Perth Weather Radar on the day. Copyright www.bom.gov.au

Watching it for the few days before, it was supposed to have improved by Sunday, but on the day the rain rolled in.

Driving rain over the pool
Driving rain over the pool






Next week will hopefully improve …